The Owensboro Fire Department was recently presented with a Life Safety Achievement Award for its fire protection, fire prevention, and fire safety education accomplishments in 2017. The award is presented by the National Association of State Fire Marshals Fire Research and Education Foundation in partnership with Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company. OFD has been a recipient of this award three (3) out of the last five (5) years.
The Owensboro Fire Department was recognized for efforts in 2017 in Community Based Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Education Programs that included various partnerships throughout the community. Among other programs, the NASFM specifically mentioned the ability of OFD to champion efforts such as the installation and use of residential smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms, fire safety public education, research driven target hazard fire prevention and fire safety education programs, and grassroots company fire inspections programs. These efforts resulted in zero fire deaths within the City of Owensboro and a once again a reduction of direct and indirect fire damage.
“We are honored to once again be recognized by the NASFM for our risk reduction efforts for our community” Owensboro Fire Chief Mitchell explained. “However, we could not be successful without our community partners and the community as a whole taking life and fire safety seriously.”