All Cats fans remember the game against North Carolina last March and many still have much resentment towards the referee that to this day still bares the brunt of much animosity for the way he called that game, that many attribute to Kentucky’s loss. Said referee being John Higgins of Omaha, Nebraska. Now Higgins has decided to take legal action against a well known and immensely popular show, none other than Kentucky Sports Radio that airs on 1027 The Game — ESPN Owensboro every M-F from 9-11 am & rebroadcast from 3-5 pm, with whom he blames as the driving force behind he and his family being harassed by UK’s fan base!
College basketball referee John Higgins has filed a civil lawsuit in federal court against a Kentucky media company, accusing it of creating conditions that led to the harassment of him and his family following an NCAA Tournament game he worked in March.
The suit filed Tuesday blames Kentucky Sports Radio for helping incite death threats and defamatory messages posted on social media and in phone messages. The harassment came after Higgins worked Kentucky’s loss to North Carolina in a regional final. The lawsuit says that damaged Higgins’ roofing business in suburban Omaha.
The suit alleges intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, tortious interference with a business and civil conspiracy. Higgins is asking to be awarded at least $75,000.
Kentucky Sports Radio called the suit “frivolous.” And, with KSR fans knowing that show creator and host Matt Jones is an actual attorney, it will be interesting over the next few days to hear his comments from his legal perspective!