Kentucky Transportation Cabinet crews in Highway District 2 are gearing up for what could be another round of winter precipitation along the Ohio River Border counties. The forecast indicates the opportunity for a dusting of snow and maybe a bit more in the early morning hours of Tuesday. KY highway crews in Union, Henderson, Daviess, Hancock, and Ohio Counties are doing some pretreating of roadways this afternoon to prepare for the event, althought most roadways still have a coating of salt from snow response efforts over the weekend. Crews in the northernmost counties of the district will also have personnel reporting early on Tuesday to be preapred to respond quickly should slick spots develop before or during the morning commute. Other counties across the district will be on alert in case the accumulating snow moves farther to the south than expected. Kentucky transportation Cabinet District 2 crews will be doing their part to improve driving conditions. They are urging motorists to do their part to prepare by carefully monitoring the weather forecast in advance and reducing their driving speed when snow starts to fall.